Code of Conduct



(Joint-Stock Company)


The intention of this methodical regulation is to declare the commitment   and conduct of the Company Nexis Fibers a.s.towards community, employees, employees among themselves, market and business partners.It is important to determine main values followed by the company and to demand its employees to conduct in line with the declared interests and values recognized by the company.


Nexis Fibers a.s.  is the company  intented on the production of chemical synthetic polyamide fibers and polymers and to provide related services.All the efforts and production is based on the utilization of scientific knowledge and technics and its production aims at enhanced security and wealth of people protecting the environment at the same time. Nexis Fibers a.s.  is the company obliged to perform all its business activities in a legal way, observing hereby ethical conduct standards. It takes into consideration  laws of the Slovak Republic as well as international lawful standards declared in the ´General Declaration of Human Rights ´ accepted on the session of the III. General Assembly of the United Nations Organisations within the resolution number 217 (III) on 10th December 1948 which is recognized by the Slovak Republic. Nexis Fibers a.s observes the documents describing conduct in the business area as for instance UN Global Compact.


1. Human Rights
  • ban on discrimination
  • ban on work of children, forced work and juvenile work
  • men´s  and women´s equality
  • security, protection of  health at work
  • rights of employees for organisation
2. Labour Relations and Conduct  at Workplace
  • conduct  at workplace
  • harassment , intimidation
  • resolution of disputes
  • goodwill
3. Transparency and Business Ethics
  • transparent economy
  • fairness and integrity
  • service secret, data protection
  • public relations
  • conflict of interests
  • gifts and bribery
4. Environment
  • protection of the environment
  • quality of production
5. Code Breach
  • breach consequences    

Account of Individual Items

1. Human Rights

Ban on discrimination – the company does not tolerate any way of direct or indirect discrimination as for sex, marital status und family status, sexual orientation,race, colour of skin, age, poor health condition or health disability, genetic qualities, beliefs and religion, political views, trade unions activities,national or social origin, nationality or ethnic group, property,gender or other status.It is not allowed to publish, circulate and send  any material supporting hatred and animosity against a person or a group of employees and mutually on the basis of the reasons mentioned above.

Ban on work of children, forced work und juvenile work – there is the ban on work of children within the Nexis Fibers a.s. Company .Our company does not make use of convict labour or soldiers in actual military service.Juvenile work (citizens at the age of 15 to 18 years) is used only seldom and in compliance with actual laws of the Slovak Republic.Within our company it is just used in relation with practice and preparation for the exercise of  future profession.

Men´s  and Women´s Equality – men and women are equal.They have the right to get the same wage for work of the equal value.They have the same right and opportunity to educate themselves including their career.

Protection of  Health at Work – belongs to main values of our bussiness activities. To work at safe workplace and to protect health and lives of employees means to us one of our essential priorities.Security must not be endangered in any case.All the employees  of our company are acquainted and  are regularly retrained in connection with actual in-plant regulation concerning the protection of health at work and state legislation which is based on the common legislation of the European Union.Each employee is obliged to observe these regulations and contribute to security with his own activity and in case he finds out something wrong as for security or protection of health at work he is obliged to let know his boss immediately.

The Right of Employees for Organisation-the Nexis Fibers a.s. Company recognises the trade union acting in Nexis Fibers a.s. as the representative  of all the employees of the company.The right of the trade union is recognized as for negotiations concerning a collective agreement where all justified interests of employees are solved, legislative ones as well as above standard ones.The company maintains good relations developed on mutual confidence and informedness.

2. Work Relations and Conduct at Workplace

Conduct at Workplace- each employee of the company is required to fulfill his work duties properly resulting from his workload.Each employee is obliged to know regulations in force of the company in relation with his work, to understand them and to act with regard to them.Employees are obliged to behave respectably to each other and to cooperate mutually.

Harassment , Intimidation- no sexual harassment at workplace has been tolerated .These are all unacceptable atempts and proposals related with advances in any way ( gestures, description,expressions and so on). Employees must not be intimidated,bullied or humiliated in any way.

Goodwill – employees of the company have to behave and act in such a manner so that goodwill of the company cannot be abused.They have to work dutifully, responsibly and honestly,to observe all regulations concerning  their work as well as laws of the Slovak Republic so that no doubt of unfair business practices can arise including law-breaking which could result in inpeachment of the goodwill of the company.

3. Transparency and Business Ethics

Transparent  Economy – the company keeps its economic record in line with laws of the Slovak Republic  and international  accounting  standards. All payments, compulsory disclosure,tax return and transfer of property have to be recorded in line with the regulations.All incomes from operations have been audited by international audit companies and they are regularly published once a year.

Fairness and Integrity – the company acts on the market under equal conditions as competing business and the company seeks this area in a legal way.It does not play any dirty tricks on the competition ( insiders bussinesses) and it acts on the market in a fair way.All practices which could lead to the restraint of  good bussiness environment are banned. Employees are not allowed to be involved in any covinous activities connecting with the activities of the company, including our contractors, customers and business partners.

Service Secret, Data Protection – employees are obliged to maintain secrecy relating to service secret,data of distinctive consideration and confidential information concerning the company, its business activities, business strategy,business partners and it is not allowed to provide a third party with data of similar character .Service secret, data of distinctive consideration,confidential information are all those information which could be used by the competition or which could discredit goodwill of the company after being published in any way. Service secret and data protection have to be maintained even after the termination of employment .

Public Relations – the Company Nexis Fibers a.s. is on good terms with the state administration, self government,public institutions and media.The company communicates regularly with its share holders and provides them with relevant data as for the condition of the company and business.

Conflict of Interests – conflict of interests occurs when personal interests of an employee are in contradiction with the interests of the company. Conflict of interests occurs as well when personal interests have an impact on the job performance of an employee and when it influences his work. Conflict of interests occurs even at that time when an employee  or a member of his family acquires illegitimate personal benefits owing to his position in the  company.Out of these reasons all employees of the company have to prevent and avoid situations which could lead to the conflict of interests.When the conflict of interests occurs despite all above mentioned facts, the employee is obliged to let know  his employer with such a fact / or a competent manager /.

Gifts and Bribery – the Company Nexis Fibers a.s. does not tolerate any bribery in whatsever form.Employees of the company are not allowed to ask for any gifts or treats.They are not allowed to accept or receive direct financial gifts,financial cheques or tangible gifts of a considerable financial value under any circumstances.Such an activity will be considered as the Code Breach.

4. Environment

Protection of the Environment – our objective is intact and good environment within our limits.For this purpose we have been trying to improve our production technology and  systematically minimalize the impact of our industrial activities on the environment.Our production is adjusted on a process approach which makes it possible to improve  our production process constantly , consistent  quality of our products and related services.We offer products which have a minimal impact on the environment during the whole life cycle.

Quality of Production – quality of production is responsibility of each employee within the company- each employee has to contribute with his work to the quality of products. Our goal is to offer innovative solutions which will distinguish us when confronted with the competition . We have been trying to understand and satisfy demands of our customers and anticipate their requirements.We also provide information concerning the safety of our products in order to avoid any risks in rooms of our customers.

5. Code Breach – Breach Consequences

Any activity which is not in line with or it is in direct contradiction with this Code will be considered as the Code Breach. It may result in civil and punishable consequences.

Intentionally false and misleading information on the company,relations within the company and its employees  will be considered as the Code Breach.

The Code does not prevent to begin disciplinary proceedings against employees provided they breach other regulations ( in-plant or lawful regulations ) which are not mentioned in the Code.

Offences concerning duties mentioned in the Code may result in labour –legal consequences including the termination of employment.

Each employee who is in labour relation or another contract relation to the company has to be acquinted with the Code of Bussiness Conduct.

Súhlas so spracúvaním osobných údajov v zmysle čl. 6 ods. 1 písm. a) Nariadenia EP a Rady EÚ č. 2016/679 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracúvaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe takýchto údajov, ktorým sa zrušuje smernica 95/46/ES (všeobecné nariadenie o ochrane údajov, ďalej len „Nariadenie GDPR“).

Udeľujem týmto súhlas so spracúvaním a uchovávaním mojich osobných údajov (uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, prípadne osobných údajov získaných pri osobnom pohovore) prevádzkovateľom Nexis Fibers a.s. Poskytnuté údaje môžu byť spracované pre účely evidencie uchádzačov o zamestnanie v súlade s Nariadením GDPR. Súhlas dávam na dobu určitú, na obdobie 5 rokov. Po tomto období budú údaje vymazané, alebo môžem kedykoľvek požiadať o vymazanie údajov. Tento súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať. Zároveň beriem na vedomie, že práva dotknutej osoby sú upravené v čl. 12 až čl. 23 Nariadenia GDPR.