Policy of quality


to become the world leader on the market of technical fibers and specific PA-polymers with high added value, creating tailor-made solutions for our customers on the basis of technologies and expert examinations.


 to be a preferred partner of our key customers and to support innovation in order to satisfy their

requirements.To consolidate our leading competing position in automobile industry and on consumer´s markets with fibers and industrial brand-products.To secure constant Nexis Fibers development  .


only a content customer and a customers making gains are the guarantee of a joint-stock company, only a big-selling  joint-stock company is the guarantee of employees´level of knowledge and their contentment , only a competitive capable employee on the field of employment market is the maker of contentment considering maximization of his gains. Humans´health is more than anything else and it is our essential priority.


Employees : they are the makers of our success,creativity,knowledge sharing by means of teamwork,personal responsibility,labour competency, motivation of employees and their involvement are essential for our company.                                                                                             

Customers : are the target of our attention and we have been maintaining long term cooperation with them with the aim of achieving and enhancing mutually advantageous partnership. The results we achieved are evaluated by the customers´ contentment which are the base of our future gains.

Products : are the final result of our efforts as well as to satisfy needs and expectations of our customers. our aim is  to achieve accomplishments and within the scope of our possibilities we make use of creativity and innovative capabilities of our employees to improve  the quality of our products constantly.

Labour Protection and Fire Protection: is the core of our company’s ethics. Injuries are unacceptable to us. Our activities in prevention, promotion and education about occupational safety and health protection positively influence the behaviour of our employees in workplaces and in leisure time.

Environment: the environment is inviolable for us. Everywhere where we carry business we take care of the protection of the environment and minimization of demand of energy and raw materials. We develop a positive relation of our employees to the environment and we put it into effect at our everyday work including the development of our products, technologies, production and distribution of our products as well as their impact on the environment in the process and after the process of their application. We do not avoid the responsibility of our organisation towards the extreme environment. We regularly publish the results concerning the condition of the environment.

Gains : are important to us to secure the development of our company as well as to increase its value and it is the result of providing best products in favour of our customers as necessary.The condition of our gains is a customer with gains.


Quality:  essential for us to increase gains of our customers is the maximization of contentment of their satisfied or outstanding requirements and needs which we achieve by increasing the quality of our products.

Constant Improvement : we can achieve better quality of our products through constant improvement of managering systems,our processes and products and this is the only way leading to permanent success of our joint-stock company. Regular process evaluation and utilization of results concerning their optimalization provides high quality and reproducibility.

Interested Parties/Employees : only qualified and motivated employees are supposed to perform work of high quality and constant improvement.We focus our attention on efficiency principle how to improve the quality of our products at workplace and we appreciate it with remuneration.Our employees are required to have specialized skills so that we can secure growing requirements concerning effective performance of the tasks by means of further education.

Suppliers: we are interested in having mutually good relations with our suppliers leading to partnership ,supporting competing quality of our products.


The Managenent of the Nexis Fibers Company a.s.(Joint-Stock Company) commits to fulfill requirements concerning the managering of quality, to improve constantly its functionality and effectivity ,to fulfill requirements of the privies and lawful orders.Policy of quality ,labour protection

and the protection of the environment is part of corporate culture and it represents essential orientation and perspective in the future. It is elaborated on all levels of the joint-stock company management into concrete goals.All employees are acquinted with this policy of the joint-stock company and the implementation of this policy is fundamental prerequisite of each employee´s involvement.

Policy of Quality and Fundamental Principles of Corporate Culture were approved by the Managament of the Company on 10th January, 2018.     

Súhlas so spracúvaním osobných údajov v zmysle čl. 6 ods. 1 písm. a) Nariadenia EP a Rady EÚ č. 2016/679 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracúvaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe takýchto údajov, ktorým sa zrušuje smernica 95/46/ES (všeobecné nariadenie o ochrane údajov, ďalej len „Nariadenie GDPR“).

Udeľujem týmto súhlas so spracúvaním a uchovávaním mojich osobných údajov (uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, prípadne osobných údajov získaných pri osobnom pohovore) prevádzkovateľom Nexis Fibers a.s. Poskytnuté údaje môžu byť spracované pre účely evidencie uchádzačov o zamestnanie v súlade s Nariadením GDPR. Súhlas dávam na dobu určitú, na obdobie 5 rokov. Po tomto období budú údaje vymazané, alebo môžem kedykoľvek požiadať o vymazanie údajov. Tento súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať. Zároveň beriem na vedomie, že práva dotknutej osoby sú upravené v čl. 12 až čl. 23 Nariadenia GDPR.