Nexis Fibers has expanded its capacity in Specialty Polymers.

The decision is aligned with Nexis Fibers strategy to remain a preferable supplier of Polyamide Yarns and Specialty Polymers across the Industrial Textile and Plastics Industry while offering tailor- made solutions.
Completed investment supports the growing demand from Industrial and Automotive Market and brings annually up to 4200 T of Specialty Polymers in PA6.10, PA6.12 and other, customized Bio- Polymers.

Nexis Fibers successfully completed re- certification process for STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®.

OEKO-TEX® certification is one of several quality measures we use to show our customers, suppliers, and partners that we practice continuously improving and environment safe processes that deliver world-class products. 

Products in compliance with OEKO-TEX®, STANDARD 100 class 1: Polyamide 6, Types T370, T371, T372, T373, T321, spun flat as well as made as plied/ twisted/ air- textured. Certification has been extended to Spun Dyed Yarns, Types T051, T052.

STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® is one of the world’s best-known labels for textiles tested for harmful substances. It stands for customer confidence and high product safety. 

Find out more at:

Nexis Group sold to Fibers Investment

Accu Holding AG has entered into an agreement with Fibers Investment a.s., a company controlled by Ivo Bezloja, a former business partner of Marco Marchetti. The agreement was approved by the special guardian [ed: legal guardian with limited powers in Austria] as well as the District Court of Hochdorf. The Prosecutor’s Office III Zurich has also approved the transfer of corresponding shares.

With the conclusion of the agreement, the legal dispute between OC Industrial Group AG / Ivo Bezloja and Accu Holding AG regarding the contestation of the sale of the Nexis Group has been terminated. Furthermore, the buyer has agreed to provide Nexis Group with urgently needed liquidity.

The legislation on the restructuring of companies in Slovakia has been fundamentally changed. Debt waivers will no longer be legal. The new law is applied to all restructuring cases in Slovakia that have not yet been completed. As a result, the debt of the Nexis Group exceeds the enterprise value.

The parties have agreed on a purchase price of CHF 300’000 for or the Nexis Fibers a.s. with an improvement clause should the company be liquidated in the near future or sold with a profit.


On May 4th 2011, Nexis shareholders took 58.53% of Accu Holding AG, a Swiss listed company based in Zürich / CH. The new shareholders plan to reestablish Accu Holding AG as a renowned listed Swiss industrial group, integrating Nexis’s and some of their own industrial activities, in order to leverage Nexis’s growth strategy.


NEXIS FIBERS has the honor of becoming the first and only bluesign® system partner from the Polyamide Fiber Industry with bluesign® certified articles. The bluesign® label ensures that the product is manufactured in a healthy, environmentally friendly and sustainable way. For more information, check out the bluesign® website at

PA6 capacity

In order to satisfy the strong and increasing request of its Ropes and Nets markets, Nexis Fibers has boosted its PA6 production capabilities by 15%

PA66 production

Continuously aiming to be the most competitive European polyamide fibers producer, Nexis Fibers has successfully restarted the first spinning machines after their transfer to its production site in Slovakia.


Nexis is investing massively in 2011, aiming to continuously improve its competitiveness.

Nexis Fibers Group acquired all the relevant assets of TWISTA, spol s r.o., Humenné in Slovakia

On February 4, 2013 Nexis Fibers Group acquired all the relevant assets of TWISTA spol. s r.o. Humenné, one of the largest twisting companies in Europe.
We believe that this acquisition will reinforce the Nexis Fibers Group business, expand our product portfolio for our existing business partners, but also for our new potential customers. The aim is to use the synergy between our existing production of industrial yarns and the possibility of developing new kinds of products on the acquired machinery. We are convinced therefore to be better prepared to respond to the demand of some international companies looking for the development of their businesses in Europe for specialty yarns. With the acquisition of the assets and the restart of the twisting plant, we will create a number of new employees for the Humenne area of minimum 50 full time equivalent for beginning.

Súhlas so spracúvaním osobných údajov v zmysle čl. 6 ods. 1 písm. a) Nariadenia EP a Rady EÚ č. 2016/679 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracúvaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe takýchto údajov, ktorým sa zrušuje smernica 95/46/ES (všeobecné nariadenie o ochrane údajov, ďalej len „Nariadenie GDPR“).

Udeľujem týmto súhlas so spracúvaním a uchovávaním mojich osobných údajov (uvedených v žiadosti o prijatie do zamestnania, v profesijnom životopise, osobnom dotazníku, prípadne osobných údajov získaných pri osobnom pohovore) prevádzkovateľom Nexis Fibers a.s. Poskytnuté údaje môžu byť spracované pre účely evidencie uchádzačov o zamestnanie v súlade s Nariadením GDPR. Súhlas dávam na dobu určitú, na obdobie 5 rokov. Po tomto období budú údaje vymazané, alebo môžem kedykoľvek požiadať o vymazanie údajov. Tento súhlas je možné kedykoľvek písomne odvolať. Zároveň beriem na vedomie, že práva dotknutej osoby sú upravené v čl. 12 až čl. 23 Nariadenia GDPR.